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Login & Account FAQs

Creating an account on MHVillage is free and easy! Simply click the Register/Login in the right hand corner of our website.

To updated your profile, you would want to log into your account from the right hand corner of our website and then select the “View Account” option. From your Dashboard you click the “Profile” and then “Manage” option from the left menue of account tools.

To change your passowrd you would select the Register/Login in the right hand corner of our website. and then after you enter your email address, click the “Forgot Password” option. You can also email our customer service team ( and we can assist you as well.

To edit/manage your subsriptions you would want to log into your account from the right hand corner of our website and then select the “View Account” option. From your Dashboard you click the “Watching” and then “Manage” option from the left menue of account tools.

Search FAQs

See a home you like on MHVillage? Just click the heart on the listing. That will save the listing to your account and you’ll be notified automatically if there are any changes to the listing, like if new photos are added or the seller has an Open House.

Note, you do need to create a free account on MHVillage for this feature.

You can search for homes and communities by city and state or zip code. You can sort by price, age of home, and more.

If you want to narrow your search, use our Advanced Search page to narrow your list down to exactly what you are looking for. Then each home listing you see will have contact information for that seller right on the ad.

You can email, text, or call on properties you are interested in.

Contact Home Seller

If you are looking to contact a seller, you would want to contact them directly through their listing via the contact information they have provided on their listing page.

Contact Community

If you are looking to contact a community about their homes or community details, you would want to contact the manager or sales agent directly through their community listing via the contact information they have provided.

Contact Professional (Retailer, Dealer, Sales Center)

If you are looking to contact a professional about their homes or company details, you would want to contact them directly through their Sales Center  via the contact information they have provided.

Log into your account and from the left hand navigation, select Watching, then click Manage. From there you will be able to stop a current search alert or create a new one.


Listing FAQs

Some information on MHVillage takes up to an hour to upload across the site. If you aren’t seeing your listing, you might have to give it a little time to show up everywhere in our search results. Also, be aware that by default homes on our site sorted in order of price from highest to lowest with the Premium Homes in that area being sorted first.

Simply log into your account, and use the Quick Link to View your listings. Click on the right navigation arrow on any listing to see your seller’s tools. There you will see an option to add an Open House advertisement to your home.

Simply log into your account, and use the Quick Link to View your listings. Click on the right navigation arrow on any listing to see your seller’s tools where you can edit the listing, update photos and remove the home once it is sold.

Lead FAQs

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Home listings and communities can have different email address and phone numbers. This allows you to make usre your leads are going to the best place for your business. Just go to the Contact section of your community or listing to update email addresses and phone numbers.

Buyers and FSBO’s

There are three different listings packages available for individual home sellers. Learn more about which is best for you.

MHVillage is the nation’s #1 website for buying, selling and renting manufactured homes. We have the largest selection of new and pre-owned manufactured homes, communities and retailers, all in one place.

For additional information about MHVillage’s products and services, read “What Is MHVillage?”

There are thousands of homes listed for sale or rent on MHVillage listed by sellers nationwide. When you see a home you are interested in you can contact the seller directly for more information.

Thousands of professionals use MHVillage every day who would be happy to help you sell your home. However, homeowners can also list their homes themselves. We make advertising your home for sale easy for anyone to do.

If you are an individual who is interested in listing your home with us, we have three different listing types you can choose from each offering different features. Home listings are available for a one-time listing fee and then the home is listed on the site until you remove it or mark it as SOLD. Keep in mind you can list a home at one level and then upgrade at a later date only paying the difference in price.

Here is a link to get you started with the package types and prices.

Still need help?

If you didn’t find the answer to your question here, please contact us and a member of our customer experience team will assist you.