Home photos make your listing come alive. Photos can show the immaculate landscaping, rural views, inviting fireplace or upgraded kitchen. The number one question we are asked from a home buyer is “Can I see more photos of the home?”
How do your photos represent your home?
When you are trying to sell or rent your home, not only is it important to have multiple home photos on your ad, another important detail is the quality of the photos. In this case, we are talking about composition, lighting, the subject of the photo and how those subjects represent your home and lifestyle.
Here are some actual home photo examples from MHVillage:

This bathroom photo is blurry, not incredibly attractive and also it is a vertical shot that doesn’t look particularly great online. Because of the size of the room, bathrooms are terribly hard to photograph. In this case, this photo doesn’t show the home to its best potential.

Another problem we see is lighting. This living room is has been emptied and is ready for the next owners, but it’s hard to tell in this photo. In this case, turning on the lights, opening the blinds, and using a flash would have helped a lot.
Photos from too far away

Another problem we see on MHVillage is photos of the exterior of the home taken from too far away. This is a lovely home, but it’s hard to see in this photo. Try to take your exterior photos with a minimum of road – or sky. (On the other hand, if this photo had been accompanied by a closer shot, it would have been a great way to show of the mature trees and peaceful setting.)
Both of the images have great lighting and are shot from the corner of the room. This really gives the customer the opportunity to see the size and feel of the layout.

So, while you always want to have as many photos of the home as possible when advertising, it’s also really important that the images represent your home in the best possible light (literally!).
Tips for Photographing Homes
It’s always worth taking a few extra minutes to get the right shot. Here are some tips:
- Remove cars, toys, trash, and other distractions from around the home.
- Keep the light behind you. This can mean shooting the front of the home in the morning and the back in the afternoon. If you have interesting floodlights, consider taking a shot of the home at night, but always include a day shot.
- Take interior shots with the widest angle setting on your camera.
- Turn on all lights, open blinds and try using the flash indoors. If the shot is overexposed (washed out), adjust accordingly. Each home is going to be a little different but look for clear, well-lit photos.
- Photos taken toward a window or door during the day will appear underexposed. (The room will appear dark and the window very bright.) Again, you might have to play with this a little to get it right.
- Crop the image to feature the home clearly. If you want a distant shot featuring the landscaping or setting, fine, but be sure to include a second photo where the home occupies most of the image.
The number one photo people want is a CLEAR shot of the front of the home. Take a look at the list below for more direction.
Suggested home photos, in order of importance
- The front of the home – a clear, close shot
- The living room/great room/family room. Include the fireplace or interesting entrance way if you have one. Include a separate shot of the view from the room if you have something exceptional.
- The kitchen
- The back or sides of the home
- Any feature you claim is remodeled or premium quality
- Any outside features like decks or garages
- The landscape or setting of the home
- The master bedroom
- Second bedrooms, bathrooms, or utility areas.
If you have any additional questions or would like some assistance with uploading your images to MHVillage, please feel free to contact us!